
Lace Star
A quilt along project A quilt in 8 simple steps. No step is hard, but the results are stunning. Finishes about 88″ x 88″. The steps to making this stunning and wonderfully large quilt are not as difficult as you may think. The amazing design is comprised of four-patches, half-square triangles, diagonally-pieced squares (made easy with the tube technique), and quarter square triangles, finished off by some solid blocks for filler. Plus, the blocks are all straight set! Thats all you need to do to get a stunning Lace Star of your own!In this book, Daniela gently steps you through each of the different blocks to make all the four-patches in one step, all the half-square triangles in another, and so on. Eight different chapters create perfect stopping points if you want to do this as a Block of the Month or a Quilt Along. Or you can also power through the chapters and make all the blocks in no time at all!A little about fabrics for this quilt: With thirteen different prints, this quilt is rich with complexity. To make picking fabrics easier, just think of collecting three different colors, each with various values. One color is the background, the second leans to the darker hues (in our sample it is brown), and third adds the punch (in our sample it is blue). The inside flap gives you our swatch page, but you can pick the colors YOU want to make.

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